Leader Solutions
Clinic Leader Setup (4.0.0) - 9.7MB | Download |
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Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 Service Pack 1 Full - 231MB | Download |
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Version 4.0.0 Release date: June, 5 2016
- Forms and controls are beautified.
- Added form for showing active treatments for client.
- Expanded Client Profile form with new tabs Medical problems, Allergies, Medications, General measurements(temperature, blood presure, blood glucose, etc.) and Body measurements.
- Added reports for Client Profile, General measurements and Body measurements.
- Added attaching Client and supervisor/Resource images.
- Expanded Managing Treatment form with new tabs Treatment General data, Treatment General measurements(temperature, blood presure, blood glucose, etc.) and Treatment Body measurements.
- Managing Treatment tab Subtreatments is changed, added option to attach, view and delete many files.
- For Managing Treatment all reports changed and more reports added.
- For treatments with timetable General Date To is set to MAX date of reserved period if it is not already set greater then that MAX date.
- Check-in/out form is closed right after press on button Check-in/out.
- Added counts of rows on all data grids.
- Added filter Visited and Not Visited on Reception tab and Supervisor tab.
- On History form added check box to show data for all clients and added Date From for showing periods between selected dates.
- For application users added posibility to dedicate Supervisor/Resource so if entered now additional tracking is enabled.
- Added new tabs Payments and Reports and many options to preferences:
1. Added folder to save attached files so every attached file from application will be saved in appropriate folder and could be easily found, this is optional.
2. Added general Supervisor/Resource rights regarding seeing, viewing, managing, adding, updating and deleting treatments belonging to other Supervisors/Resources and regarding viewing history of treatments belonging to other Supervisors/Resources.
3. Added defining default units which are used on many forms.
4. Added count of days to add for payment deadline.
5. Added Reports tab where report header and footer images could be easily attached and where could be defined to use or not those images on reports.
- Resolved few minor bugs.
Version 3.2.1 Release date: April, 17 2016
- updating database tables and columns regarding current version. Added database version info in About box.
- splited view and selecting of supervisors and resources on all forms.
- added option for supervisors and resources to have multiple clients on same treatment session, so in timetable it could be added more clients for same treatment session.
- added active checkboxes for view of supervisors and resources.
- checking for overlapping when user adds reservation for both supervisor and resource. Supervisor and resource both could have timetable option for checking overlapping on inserting new reservation.
- added count of reserved and free periods on timetable view.
- added combo with predefined duration in minutes as helper for input timeTo for reservation.
- treatments ordering by time of adding appointment on adding apointments form, same for view on check-in/out form.
- when treatment is checked-in/out on opening form previously selected treatment is focused for checking.
- added fields for checked-in time and checked-out date and time on form adding apointments and history for client, also supervisor and resource columns are added.
- on form history for client added resource combo for filtering results.
- fixed bug for increasing invoice number. Added reset of invoice number on new year first bill if year value is used for creating invoice number.
Version 3.1.0 Release date: April, 10 2016
- added unique customer ID on application level and customer location ID for different locations where application is used.
-rent price 1 month 11e, 3month 22e, 6month 33e and 12 month 49e
Version 3.0.0 Release date: April, 04 2016
- database changes for future updates.
- changed registration model, now users have possibility of renting a leader application. It could be rented for 1, 3, 6 and 12 month, for every month of renting customer gets 3 days plus.
Version 2.5.3 Release date: March, 29 2016
- added new tab Network Mode in preferences. It's purpose is selecting how do you want to use application on your computer. It could be in Server Mode or Client Mode. If you use Client Mode you are available to copy 'Network path of server' from server and to input it into 'Network path to server' on client and you are available to test connection to server.
- added option for database backuping in preferences General tab. Now you are available to check option 'Do backup on exit' and option to do it silently or to ask for backuping. This works only for Server Mode, so that means that only server computer could do backup.
- changed setup file so database directory, database file and configuration file will not be deleted during uninstall or replaced during new install.
Version 2.4.3 Release date: February, 29 2016
- changes for history form:
- added payment button for easier payment for treatments with debts
- enabled combo box for selecting supervisor of treatments
- added colour for treatments with debt
- added filter for showing treatments with remain>0 and remain=0
- added count of rows
Version 2.3.3 Release date: February, 18 2016
- extended columns for showing history of appointments for client, on loading form all history is shown, but checkbox on date from is added if you want to see history for some selected period
- fixed bug for showing history data for client with reserved date
- on timetable form grid of reserved periods for supervisor/resource is refreshed after delete of some reserved period
Version 2.3.2 Release date: February, 08 2016
- all main forms are maximized by default to improve visibility
- all input forms could be maximized to improve visibility
- redesigned form for adding treatments, separated area for treatment, checkin/checkout and payment, fixed bug of showing payment debt on treatment changing
- on form for adding treatments added showing of reserved periods for treatments with greater count, so all reservations and dates are visible also on this form not just timetable form
- changed timetable form, improved visibility, changed functionality for adding reserved periods, changed color of already reserved treatments to red, fixed bug regarding showing reserved periods after changing dates interval
Version 1.2.1 Release date: November, 22 2015
- fixed minor bugs on form Adding Appointment: Main treatment is checked by default, Timetable and Invoice buttons are disabled until treatment is not saved, Timetable button is disabled if selected supervisor/resource doesn't have option for timetable.
- fixed minor bugs on main form: After inserting of new client datagrid row is positioned on new inserted client. After using Edit, View or History of client, client stayed selected.
- on main form: Added active search fields for client search, on text changed clients datagrid refresh automatically. Added clear search button.
Version 1.2.0 Release date: November, 19 2015
- added Automatically increment Identity option in preferences, so if there is no need to care about client Identity it will be generated by application when saving client data which will improve speed of adding new clients.
Version 1.1.0 Release date: October, 20 2015
- fixed minor bugs
Version 1.0.0 Release date: June, 21 2015